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Eyelash Extensions FAQs

What are lash extensions?

Emerging from Korea, this sought-after and advanced method entails the meticulous application of individual lashes to boost the natural eyelashes' length, curl, volume, and thickness.

How much do lash extensions cost?

The cost of this service encompasses not only the quality products used but also reflects our expertise, time, and various operational expenses (such as electricity, website hosting, insurance, and booking systems). Additionally, it covers extra benefits like superannuation, sick and holiday pay, as well as a small profit margin.


Lash extension pricing can differ significantly among technicians, influenced by factors like their level of experience and the local market they operate within. 


When it comes to lashes, quality comes at a price – excellent lashes may not come cheap, and inexpensive options may not deliver the desired results.

Am I eligible for lash extensions?

Unfortunately not everyone is eligible for lash extensions. Here are some reasons which may stop lash extension application from being performed:


  • highly sensitive eyes

  • hyper sensitive skin

  • contagious eye disorders/conditions

  • skin/eye infections

  • eye inflammation

  • conjunctivitis

  • bacterial, fungal, parasitic or viral infections

  • recent eye surgery

  • trichotillomania

  • allergic to cyanoacrylate, latex


If you have any of these conditions, it is best to let your lash tech know to reschedule your appointment.

Are lash extensions permanent?

Lash extensions are not permanent; instead, they align with the natural growth cycle of each individual lash.


This cycle can range from 21 to 90 days, with variations among individuals. The cycle encompasses three primary stages: anagen (the growth phase), catagen (the transitional phase), and telogen (the resting phase).


To sustain your extensions, it's crucial to arrange lash fills every three weeks. This routine aligns with the shedding of natural lashes during their regular growth cycle, a period that can differ among clients. Some may require fills every 2.5 weeks, while others with a slower lash cycle may extend to 3.5 weeks.


The overall fullness of your lash set depends on the health and volume of your natural lashes.

Can lash extensions damage my natural lashes?

Yes, it's possible for lash extensions to cause damage, but only when they are applied by an unqualified technician. When applied correctly with the appropriate weights, lash extensions are safe and promote the health of your natural lashes.


Damage may occur in the following situations:

  • When the extension is excessively heavy for the natural lash, causing it to sag, as the natural lash can't support the added weight. This can lead to premature lash shedding.

  • When the extensions are inadequately isolated and become entangled, resulting in irritation and damage. Our natural lashes don't all grow at the same rate, and they may tug on lashes that aren't ready to shed yet.​

Can I still wear makeup with lash extensions?

Absolutely. However, please refrain from using makeup removers that contain oil when you remove your eye makeup. Oil can compromise the longevity of your lash extensions and diminish the connection between the extensions and your natural lashes. Additionally, be cautious not to use cotton rounds, as the lint on these pads may snag your extensions and inadvertently dislodge them.

“Give me the longest lashes you have“

As a lash technician, my foremost concern is the well-being of your lashes.

While I'm committed to fulfilling your preferences for style and length to the best of my abilities, should you desire a length and thickness that surpasses what your natural lashes can support, I'll gladly provide recommendations to other lash technicians who may be better suited to meet your needs. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to me, and I prioritize both the health of your natural lashes and the integrity of my professional reputation.

How common are allergic reactions?

Allergic reactions, while not common, are not rare occurrences.


These reactions are triggered by your immune system's response to foreign substances. When your immune system identifies a potentially harmful foreign agent, it releases histamine to nearby cells, leading to the expansion of blood vessels and skin inflammation. Allergic reactions arise when your immune system mistakenly categorises a harmless substance (such as pollen) as a threat. It's worth noting that some individuals may never develop an allergic response to lash glue, as their bodies fail to recognise it as foreign.


However, once your body perceives lash glue as a foreign invader, it will react consistently every time you come into contact with it. Since all lash glues share a common chemical foundation, switching brands or opting for "sensitive" glue won't make a difference if you've developed an allergy. Regrettably, this renders you ineligible for lash extensions.


If you're concerned about a potential reaction but still want to try lash extensions, you can schedule a patch test 48 hours in advance. During the test, 5-10 lashes are applied to each eye. If a reaction occurs, lash extensions are not suitable for you. It's important to note that clients may not experience a reaction for months or even years, and it may occur unexpectedly.


Allergic reactions are unpredictable and can affect anyone at any time, without fault on the part of the technician or the product. In the event of a reaction, a refund cannot be offered as the service has been provided. However, I can provide a complimentary removal of the extensions.


If irritation persists, please consult with a medical professional.

How do I pick a good lash technician?

When considering a lash technician, it's essential to take the following steps:

  • Examine images of their work (verify if they feature genuine client results or stock photos).

  • Review any feedback available on their website or Facebook page (determine if it originates from real clients).

  • Verify whether they possess insurance coverage. Surprisingly, not all lash technicians carry public liability insurance.

  • Check whether they've registered with the local council.

  • Don't hesitate to inquire about any queries you may have. Asking questions is crucial to making an informed decision.

Why do you take deposits?

To confirm your appointment, a booking fee is necessary. This fee will be deducted from your service cost.


Your appointment is exclusively reserved for you, and if you cancel or reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment, it becomes challenging to fill that slot in time. 


This appointment arrangement is in place to guarantee your attendance and prevent any time-related inconveniences. Many establishments implement similar policies, especially during busy seasons, to avoid scheduling disruptions.

I heard you can’t get lash extensions wet.

Is that true?

Traditionally, it was advised to keep your lash extensions dry for the initial 24 hours. However, recent research has demonstrated that it can be advantageous to wet your lashes immediately following your appointment or on the same day. Even though I employ a fume extractor during the procedure, some glue vapours may linger and settle on your skin. Rinsing your lashes with water or employing a lash cleanser can effectively minimise fume residue and enhance lash retention.

Why should I clean my lashes?

  • Enhanced retention is achieved because the accumulation of natural oils, dead skin cells, and daily dust and debris can form a residue over time.

  • Congested hair follicles may lead to hair loss, making it challenging for a new lash to grow when your natural lash sheds.

  • The growth of bacteria can give rise to conditions like blepharitis, styes, and infections.

  • Oily follicles can become inviting breeding grounds for demodex mites, potentially leading to infestations.

  • When you come in for infills, the adhesive may adhere to the oil rather than your actual lashes, affecting the bond.

What are lash extensions
How much do lash extensons cost
Am I eligble for lash extensions
Are lash extensons permanent
Can lash extensons damage my natual lashes
Can I still wear makeup with lash extensions
Give me the longest lashes you have
How common are allergic reactions
How do I pick a good las technician?
Why do you take deposits?
Why should I clean my lashes
I heard you can't get lash extensions wet. Is that true?
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