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Saline Tattoo Removal FAQs

What is A Plus Ocean?

A Plus Ocean is the first hypertonic sterile saline solution on the market intended to naturally remove or lighten cosmetic and conventional tattoos. This product is all natural and only uses the finest sea salt available in the world and then filtered and combined with the correct ratio of laboratory quality sterile water and aloe. This product is far superior to laser and other chemical or abrasive methods on the market (not all saline products are the same).

How does the A Plus Ocean treatment work?

By introducing a concentrated saltwater solution next to the dermis (where the unwanted pigment is), water in the cells beneath and surrounding the pigment (which contains lower concentrations of salt) will travel to the localised area. This is due to the osmotic pressure created by the re-equalisation process. As a result, the pigment is forced from the dermal layer of the skin upwards to the epidermis. The tattoo will initially appear darker as the unwanted ink is brought to the skin surface. This, however, is shed in the scab that forms over the treatment area during the healing process, revealing new pink skin. Multiple treatments are necessary depending on the shape, size, location of the tattoo and the healing factors of the individual.

What factors are contra indicative for this service? 

  • Roaccutane use in the last 6 months (oral isotretinoin) 

  • Dermatitis or infection in the area to be treated 

  • Pregnancy or nursing mothers 

  • Keloid tendency 

  • Blood thinning medications 

  • Darker skin tones (test patching available)

  • Epileptic 

  • Porphyria

  • Active infections, chronic skin disorders, blood clotting problems, poor healing, skin malignancies

  • Allergies to anaesthetics: Benzocaine, Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Epinephrine (commonly used by your dentist) 

  • Haemophiliac

  • High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, any abnormal heart condition 

  • Any blood disorders (require doctor clearance) 

  • Herpes

  • Pacemaker

  • Garlic, Aspirin, Vitamin E, and high doses of fish oils should be avoided 1-week pre-treatment (Blood thinning) 

How do I prepare for my tattoo removal session?

Avoid the following for 48 hours prior to treatment: 

  • ALL caffeine 

  • Alcohol

  • Fish oil

  • Any known blood thinners (e.g. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Niacin) as it may cause excess bleeding and may affect your results


Please ensure you also avoid sun and tanning bed exposure for 30 days before and after the treatment as your skin may peel and shed, taking the pigment with it


Please note that I will not be able to tattoo over any blemishes, sores or moles in or around the brow area and if you are prone to keloid scarring

What are the advantages of using A Plus Ocean?

This process does not permanently damage the tissue like lasers or chemical removal methods. It will not remove the natural skin colour and unlike laser, it can get any pigment colour out of the tissue. It is also suitable for cosmetic face tattoos. With it being a saline solution, the salt does not recognise ink colour and is not a factor in successful removal.

What are the ingredients in this product?

Only 3 ingredients are used - pure filtered sea salt, aloe barbadensis leaf juice and purified water.

What can I (as a client) expect during and after the procedure?

During the treatment, you may expect some bleeding, some bruising and the area may feel a little tender for a few days. The area should scab over within 24 hours. The scab is crucial in the process and it should not be touched or soaked in water and kept clean. The final result of the removal session will not be known for at least 30 days.

How many removal sessions will I need?

With this specific product, each type of removal/lightening series is dependent on the depth of the pigment, tattoo ink, age of the tattoo and condition of your skin. Thus the product works differently for each individual. One client may only require one session while another may require several. This method is much safer and less traumatic than many laser removal treatments especially for darker or sensitive skin.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Lasers use pulses of light to break up the tattoo ink, these results can vary according to the types of lasers used and can often leave behind a white ghost in the place of the tattoo. There are several factors that contribute to the success of the removal which can prove to be quite difficult to remove all colours and inks.

Is there any method of removal or lightening that can get the tattoo pigment out with one session and no scars?

No removal or lightening process can get the pigment out in one session other than plastic surgery (cutting out the tissue)

What is A Plus Ocean?
How does the A Plus Ocean treatment work?
What factors are contra indicative for this service? 
How do I prepare for my tattoo removal session?
What are the ingredients in this product?
What are the advantages of using A Plus Ocean?
What can I (as a client) expect during and after the procedure?
How many removal sessions will I need?
How does laser tattoo removal work?
Is there any method of removal or lightening that can get the tattoo pigment out with one session and no scars?
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